Once upon a time, a long time ago, there lived two happy people called Tim and Maggie with their two children, John and Lucy. To understand how happy they were you have to understand how things were in those days.
很久很久以前, 有一對快樂的人Tim和Maggie, 他們有兩個小孩John和Lucy。 要瞭解他們以前多麼快樂,就得來瞭解從前的日子是如何過的。 (By Y.R.)
You see in those happy days everyone was given a small, soft Fuzzy Bag when born. Any time a person reached into this bag they were able to pull out a Warm Fuzzy. Warm Fuzzies were very much in demand because whenever someone was given a Warm Fuzzy it made them feel warm and fuzzy all over.
In those days it was very easy to get Warm Fuzzies. Anytime that somebody felt like it, he might walk up to you and say, "I'd like to have a Warm Fuzzy." You would then reach into your bag and pull out a Fuzzy the size of a child hand. As soon as the Fuzzy saw the light of day it would smile and blossom into a large, shaggy, Warm Fuzzy. When you laid the Warm Fuzzy on the person's head, shoulder or lap it would snuggle up and melt right against their skin and make them feel good all over.
People were always asking each other for Warm Fuzzies, and since they were always given freely, getting enough of them was never a problem. There were always plenty to go around, and so everyone was happy and felt warm and fuzzy most of the time.
One day a bad witch who made salves and potions for sick people became angry because everyone was so happy and feeling good and no one was buying potions and salves. The witch was very clever and devised a very wicked plan. One beautiful morning while Maggie was playing with her daughter the witch crept up to Tim and whispered in his ear,
"See here, Tim, look at all the Fuzzies that Maggie is giving to Lucy. You know, if she keeps it up she is going to run out and then there won't be any left for you!"
Tim was astonished. He turned to the witch and asked, "Do you mean to tell me that there isn't a Warm Fuzzy in our bag every time we reach into it?".
Tim 大感驚奇。他轉向巫師問:「你意思是我們每次從袋子裡拿球,不見得都會有暖毛球?」 (By Y.R.)
And the witch answered, "No, absolutely not, and once you run out, that's it. You don't have any more." With this the witch flew away on a broom, laughing and cackling all the way.
10 則留言:
Tim 大感驚奇。他轉向巫師問:「你意思是我們每次從袋子裡拿球,不見得都會有暖毛球?」
Just adding my two cents.
May I inquire about the copyright date of this book? If the publisher still holds an effective copyright of this edition, the translation right is also protected. Even though in this case, your translation is not for monitary gain; however, you are effectively 'publishing' your translation. This is only permitted when one receives a grant of translation right from the copyright holder.
Even though this translation is not professional and does not impact the potential sales of the translation if there is one put forth by the orignal publisher, there should be a disclaimer that there is a permission from the publisher of the original work in question. This is my honest concern for posting your translation in its entire content.
Pardon my comments if you do have permission to translate the entire work line by line from the publisher.
It's entirely all right if you translate one or two sentences:
很久很久以前, 有一對快樂的人, 他們有兩個小孩。 要瞭解他們以前多麼快樂,就得來瞭解從前的日子是如何過的。
By the way, 暖毛球-->毛茸球 is closer to the meaning of fuzzy.
Sorry, I meant to say 暖毛球-->毛茸暖球 warm fuzzy. Your version is still okay.
y. r.,
Please cheak his webpage at [http://www.emotional-literacy.com/downld.htm], there is a sentence worte "Actually you can download anything on this website. But these are whole books. ENJOY"
I S B N: 9574552551
■ 作 者: 克勞德史坦
■ 精平裝/頁數: 平裝本 / 62頁
■ 出版社: 晨星出版社
■ 出版日: 92/01/01
■ 圖書分類: 美國文學
■ 定 價: 150元
■ 參考庫存: 目前無庫存
Tim 大感驚奇。他轉向巫師問:「你意思是我們每次從袋子裡拿球,不見得都會有暖毛球?」 (By Y.R.)
很久很久以前, 有一對快樂的人, 他們有兩個小孩。 要瞭解他們以前多麼快樂,就得來瞭解從前的日子是如何過的。 By Y.R. 或是 Translated by Y.R.
y. r.,
Thank you very much.