What do I mean "Stay Away Trouble Makers"?
You see there are so many people on the earth.
These people have good days to make them happy.
They have bad days to make them sad too.
Just very few of them are always unhappy.
The reasons of their problems are mutiple.
But in common, you will find somehow the majoy reason of their unhappiness always is someone else's fault.
Is that ture?
Do you believe that someone should make your life better?
Or do you think people can destroy your life without your permit?
Most of us would not think so, but some of them do believe that.
Those people are "Trouble Makers".
That is a big trap for others who want to help them.
Because of lacking of intimate relationship, they will attempt to close others.
They want you, they need you, they wish to be your friend desperately.
Therefor, one trick they usually play is they show their sadness and helpless and hopeless to you. They threat you as their savior. Without you, there is no hope in the world.
Unfortunately, there is no happy ending.
"Trouble Makers" have no willing to do anything for themselves.
They only sit and complain why the lives are so cruel to them.
And wish one day you could build an ideal world for them.
Here is still the worst situation.
Day by day, you encourage them, you spend time with them.
You think that you have to try your best, so they will be better soon.
One day, something happens beyond your ability.
You are not able to help any more.
Those "friends" start to blame you instead of the bad lives.
Their roles become the victims of your unable.
To be a helper, I must be aware of these MISERABLE "Trouble Makers".