2005年12月26日 星期一





















  • 如果你認為愛就是糾纏不清,可能是因為你小時候看到就是糾纏不清的關係。
  • 如果你認為愛就是虐待,可能你看到是虐待的關係。
  • 如果你認為愛是快樂分享,可能你看到的是快樂分享的關係。
  • 如果你認為愛是關懷別人,你看到可能是互相關懷的關係。












2005年12月23日 星期五

上癮的佳釀(十三)-We are in a beautiful place here

We are in a beautiful place here.
We are social workers.
We have the opportunity to know people.
Some are people similar to others we might have run into anyway.
But many are people that we would never know in any other way.
They all fascinate us, because each of them brings their own unique way.
They are resources to us.
They have taught us more about human diversity than we have learned in textbooks.

We are in an important place here.
We sit at the crossroads.
Because as social workers we connect to people at all different levels.
We are the elevators of society's people.
We pick them up in one place and go with them to where they want to go.
We understand the connections and connectors.

We are in a challenging place here.
We weave science and art.
Because social work practice needs spontaneity with precision.
Because people aren't simple and neither are we.
And all that is gold does not glitter.

We are in a vulnerable place here.
People show us their pain.
They share their reality and shake our beliefs.
They swamp our perspectives as we work for their goals.
And just when we get there, we let them go.

We are in the right place here.
Somehow we've always been on the way.
The world has nurtured us and now we nurtured it in return.
Just as all universes seek balance, we too work as part of our world's solution.
We are naturals.
We revel in the opportunities for the world and for us. (440)

Miley, K. K., O’Melia, M. & DuBois, B. (2001).
Generalist social work practice—an empowering approach.
Boston: Allyn and Bacon

2005年12月20日 星期二

上癮的佳釀(十二)-Misconception of Teaching

Teaching "Books".

Teaching "Knowledge" & "Skills".

Pure process & pure outcomes.

Isolating. (No cooperation)

Standardization. (No Indiv. -diff.)

Classroom-centered (School-centered).

Class-based (No small group).

No plan (Especially order)

Teacher's responsibliities only. (No students, parents)

2005年12月19日 星期一


McCubbin et. (1997) 維持良好家庭功能的家庭特質:

1. 正向溝通

2. 關係的關連性

3. 家庭信念

4. 對未來抱持希望

5. 擁有社會支持


1. 具有幽默感,並對事件能從不同角度觀之。

2. 雖置身挫折情境,卻能將自我與情境做適度分離。

3. 能自我認同,表現出獨立和控制環境的能力。

4. 對自我具有目的性和未來導向的特質。

5. 具有向環境/壓力挑戰的能力。

6. 有良好的社會適應的技巧。

7. 較少強調個人的不幸,挫折與無價值/無力感。

2005年12月14日 星期三




──安娜伊.寧(Anais Nin)


──勞倫斯(D.H. Lawrence)《占有的愛-兒子與情人》


──拉羅什富科(La Rochefoucauld)






──愛默生(Ralph Waldo Emerson)

2005年12月7日 星期三








A meeting of two, eye to eye, face to face.

And when you are near I will tear your eyes out.

And place them instead of mine.

And you will tear my eyes out.

And will place them instead of yours.

And I will look at you with your eyes,

and you will look at me with mine

2005年12月3日 星期六

上癮的佳釀(七)-Deborah Anna Luepnitz

Intimacy and Its Dilemmas-- 剌蝟的愛情








2005年11月29日 星期二


--Volunteers--The Priceless Gift
  • A quiet walk, a tender touch, an eager smile can mean so much.
  • I recall as dawn breaks through, that all the little things we do are simple pleasures filling days, and touching lives in many ways.
  • I help a loved one find a gift. I’m there when spirits need a lift.
  • I hold the hands of those in pain and listen as our guests explain their tears of joy or tears of grief- my presence here provide relief.
  • I start each morning with a prayer- “Where there is need, let me be there.” for little things I do each day,
  • help those I meet along the way.
  • I'm a caring part of every shift.
  • I volunteer---the priceless gift.

上癮的佳釀(五)-Theodore Black




































2005年11月8日 星期二

上癮的佳釀(三)-April Haung










2005年11月6日 星期日

上癮的佳釀(二)-Jock Mckeen, Bennet Wong




-Bertrand Russell

上癮的佳釀(一)-Jock Mckeen, Bennet Wong

愛能真實看見別人的原貌,而不是理想的形貌,因為愛能瞥見我們活生生的血肉。一般所謂的身體是抽象的概念,我們習慣把物體視為和宇宙分離的,少了宇宙,物體就不再真實。可是,在彼此全然的關係中經驗到奧秘又自然升起的愛,能轉化我們的視野,不只看見摯愛的人,也看見整個世界。──Alan Watts






2005年11月4日 星期五

Stay Away Trouble Makers

What do I mean "Stay Away Trouble Makers"?

You see there are so many people on the earth.
These people have good days to make them happy.
They have bad days to make them sad too.

Just very few of them are always unhappy.
The reasons of their problems are mutiple.
But in common, you will find somehow the majoy reason of their unhappiness always is someone else's fault.

Is that ture?
Do you believe that someone should make your life better?
Or do you think people can destroy your life without your permit?
Most of us would not think so, but some of them do believe that.
Those people are "Trouble Makers".

That is a big trap for others who want to help them.
Because of lacking of intimate relationship, they will attempt to close others.
They want you, they need you, they wish to be your friend desperately.
Therefor, one trick they usually play is they show their sadness and helpless and hopeless to you. They threat you as their savior. Without you, there is no hope in the world.

Unfortunately, there is no happy ending.
"Trouble Makers" have no willing to do anything for themselves.
They only sit and complain why the lives are so cruel to them.
And wish one day you could build an ideal world for them.

Here is still the worst situation.
Day by day, you encourage them, you spend time with them.
You think that you have to try your best, so they will be better soon.

One day, something happens beyond your ability.
You are not able to help any more.
Those "friends" start to blame you instead of the bad lives.
Their roles become the victims of your unable.

To be a helper, I must be aware of these MISERABLE "Trouble Makers".

2005年10月10日 星期一

Dear friend, I am fine with everything

Dear Friend,

Thank you for asking, I am fine with everything, although day is busy. I am so happy to hear you that you have settled down in the new place. (but somehow I feel sounds your dog is the luckest one. haha..!)

I think you might already know that here is almost the same, but someone told me that Canadian S. rarely shows up in the office now. I am wondering where he is. Are there somewhere he rather to be than the school?

I am getting better and better to cope the job. Aaron and I still have some disaggrements. Good thing is we know each other better now. Sometimes we argued, but after argued, we sit down and talked to find out the problems. I wish this kind arguements would not harm the relationship between us. In fact, the arguements help us to know difference between, and learn to respect the one who brings up the different opions.

Another good news is in the semester we have more kids in Ren Ai. I was surprised that Aaron is going to take classes for the elementary school students. He is reading some interesting books for them at that class. I am so happy that more and more people around me are offering themselves to help people now. I think we are such honest and good people, no wonder more kids want to come to our school.

About the teachers, yes, those guys that you mentioned are still teaching here. For expanding school, we have tried some new guys, but you know, we always look for someone who is really good at teaching kids. Somehow, teaching is kind of talend. I don't think everyone is able to teach well. Do you happenly have someone in mind to recommend to us? I think Aaron would be very appreciated.

I am busy for my studying and jobs. And I am taking as many as I can workshops on weekends now. I got a feeling that I was going to burning out last month. Fortunately, this week we had a three days holiday for Double Ten Day. I refreshed myself by taking a course in a health club. It was a wonderful vacation for me both of inside and outside. I would like to call it a rebirth. haha!!

Anyway, I will find time to have fun. I am getting better and better to stay away from some trouble makers. I don't want to burn out for sure. So dear friend, let me know your news from time to time and talk to you soon.

2005年9月28日 星期三

Burning out~~~~~~~~!

I got a feeling about my life recently. I feel that I am going to burn out by my everyday life. Why feel so frustrated? I think might be the Autumn. Teacher said in this season people live in New York usually go see psychologists or doctors. I think it must be a hard time for those doctors. But yesterdays news reported a famous doctor killed himself...sigh...

Is everyone here going to burn out too?????????

2005年9月22日 星期四

在世為苦,偏偏一點身不由己 (轉貼)


前兩天我一個住院病人老太太出院了,給我很大的啟示。 常常我覺得人要謙虛,這話是不錯的,特別是對自己說。

上週值班來了一位左側股骨頸骨折的病人,骨折稍有移位。 七十幾歲。有慢性腎功能衰竭,腎臟科醫師早勸他洗腎,還有她今年四月才診斷出有肝癌末期,腫瘤很大,已經不能手術,肝功能也已經障礙了,Ammonia 超過正常值。

我在急診室對家屬說,老太太的骨折很單純,手術很簡單,只要三公分不到的傷口就可以完成,開完刀拿助行器保護三個月就會恢復。 問題在於她的肝功能和腎功能都介於衰竭的臨界點。


我們會診,放射治療科醫師說病人只能做安寧治療了,別考慮化學治療或是放射治療。在這個病人的住院過程中,每一步可能的變化都被我料到,如在高岡指揮作戰。 不過卻敗在家屬手上。

等我查房走了,最孝順的小兒子要求自費打白蛋白,拗他不過,我的住院醫師就開給病人。結果打了隔天病人昏迷不醒,Ammonia 飆到兩百多,又沒有小便了,開始洗腎。我跟家屬說,病人癌症末期,打這麼多藥反而是負擔,應該認清這個事實,趁著病人意識還清楚,和她說說話,多盡孝道。

可是很抱歉,我說的話他們聽不懂。 意識不清楚,要求做電腦斷層;肝不好,要求做腹部超音波。病人昏迷了近三天,終於家屬理解生命與醫療都有其極限。 帶她回去要讓她像古早的人一樣,安詳走過生命最後一段。 鼻胃管拔了,尿管留著。我們還給她預備了肝昏迷的診斷書預備過世之後給驗屍的檢察官參考。

醫療能給一個癌症末期的病人什麼? 我確定讓她在昏迷之中過世,遠比把她救醒、讓她在清醒之後接受一大堆痛苦的治療、到最後還是死去要好多了。 可是大家都沒有經驗,所以我們向家屬解釋的時候,家屬不見得都能理解。

這件事情有個出乎意外的結局。 病人昨天回家一個晚上,今天竟然清醒了,恐怕是因為完全沒有吃藥的緣故。病人說身體有點不舒服,所以家屬又送來急診室住了院。

我乍聽這個消息,彷彿從高岡上跌落泥水坑。 我以為我在主導她的治療,結果完全不是這麼回事。 在我推演到最終結局,正要將這個病例結束之時,誰知道還有一章呢? 上帝將她拉回來,讓我知道,我該謙虛一點,像家屬一樣,面對生死,我其實還是很無知的。

昨天晚上參加醫院裡外科主任的父親的追思禮拜,我們為他獻詩歌。 他在近幾個月才受洗,所以死後安排的是基督教的儀式。 唱詩歌和牧師證道的時候,我都想起我那昏迷回家的病人,那時我還不知道她會醒過來,所以我覺得她好可惜,正如許多人一般,就這麼白白去了。 去哪裡呢?天堂? 還是地獄?

我的信仰讓我相信我獲得永生的確據,希望我死後,我的家人,朋友能因為我有好去處而覺得安慰;能期待將來再相見而懷著盼望。 在世為苦,偏偏一點身不由己。 我今天最後最後的想法是,我欠這個病人福音的債。我昨天為她的死感到可惜,所以上帝讓她回來了,我明天應該去跟她傳福音,願她也能得永生,榮耀歸於上帝。

2005年9月8日 星期四

What is your blogging personality?

Your Blogging Type is Pensive and Philosophical

Your Blogging Type is Pensive and Philosophical
You blog like no one else is reading...You tend to use your blog to explore ideas - often in long winded prose.Easy going and flexible, you tend to befriend other bloggers easily.But if they disagree with once too much, you'll pull them from your blogroll!

2005年8月31日 星期三

Want to try someone sweet and spicy?

Dear Dom,

Actually, I am wondering why a man who already has a very good gfd is still playing around on internet. Although, they usually announce that they have no intention to fall in love with anyone else. I believe that one day they will have some spicy ( or bitter?) things for them for sure.

I agree with you, we do not only concern about what others think of us. Our standard would never be changed by others. As we all know that it doesn't matter what people told us. As long as we grow up, parents, teachers, even policemen, they all try to make us to obey the rulers. But somehow, if you don't have enough self esteem, no one can make you obey anything. You would always be youself only. Even you hurt someone or someone hurts you, nothing would be changed.

Anyway, we have to learn through our lives. I took my lesson before your kindness comments. Besides, this is the first time I read DaLai's words in English. Thank you very much.


2005年8月18日 星期四

A letter from a friend who I have never met yet.

Hi ,

Nice to meet you, then. As you understand, I have a very good gfd and we love each other. I don't know whether we can be together, but I don't want and have no intention to have any other choice besides her. I only want her to be my last choice in my life. I like to make friends (male/female) and share with my belief, etc.

As you mentioned, there's a lot of wired, even psycho in internet. Girls had to learn to protect herself first. Cause I think quite a lot of guys have no shame today and only do whatever they want to do (BUT NOT whatever they need to do with consideration of the public). Sometimes we really need some luck to meet a right person in life.

Might God's blessing be with you.

Good to know you here and all the best!


2005年8月15日 星期一

For those kids I taught before.

You must had seen my last post-- I am Me. Yes, that was for my kids. I wish they like it.

I really prepared a long time to meet my kids. They are 11 kids that I taught last semester at REN AI Junior High. They are not the whole class. Last semester, we divided a class into three groups. So each group has their own teacher to help them closely. I think we have a good time with that class. I enjoyed teaching them indeed. But I was so suprised that they want to have lunch with me. I really appreciated this. I remember when I was young, I would never want to have lunch with any teachers. That is why I hope I can teach them more in another way.

You might laught at me. As a volunteer teacher why I do not take it easy. I asked myself too. Recently, I had a lot of arguments with my close friends. Why cannot I take everything easier? I don't know. Maybe I just don't want to. I am a serious person. I wish everything is treated with respect. Anyway, that is what I think and I do. It doesn't matter what people think of me.

I am Me

I am Me by Virginia Satir
Virginia came to write this poem when she was working with an angry fifteen-year-old girl who had a lot of questions about herself and what life meant.

I am me.
In all the world, there is no one exactly like me.
There are persons who have some parts like me,
but no one adds up exactly like me.

Therefore, everything that comes out of me
is authentically mine because I alone choose it.
I own everything about me
My body including everything it does;
My mind including all its thoughts and ideas;
My eyes including the images of all they behold;
My feelings whatever they may be...
anger, joy, frustration, love, disappointment, excitement
My mouth and all the words that come out of it
polite, sweet or rough,correct or incorrect;
My voice loud or soft.
And all my actions, whether they be to others or to myself.

I own my fantasies, my dreams, my hopes, my fears.
I own all my triumphs and successes,
all my failures and mistakes.
Because I own all of me I can become intimately acquainted with me.
By doing so I can love me and be friendly with me in all parts.
I can then make it possible for all of me to work in my best interests.

I know there are aspects about myself that puzzle me,
and other aspects that I do not know.
But as long as I am friendly and loving to myself,
I can courageously and hopefully, look for solutions to the puzzles
and for ways to find out more about me.

However I look and sound, whatever I say and do, and whatever I think
and feel at a given moment in time is me.
This is authentic and represents where I am in that moment in time.
When I review later how I looked and sounded, what I said and did, and how I
thought and felt, some parts may turn out to be unfitting.
I can discard that which is unfitting, and keep that which proved fitting,
And invent something new for that which I discarded.

I can see, hear, feel, think, say and do.
I have the tools to survive, to be close to others, to be productive,
and to make sense and order out of the world of people
and things outside of me.
I own me, and therefore I can engineer me.
I am me and I am okay.

2005年8月10日 星期三

Adventure 101


HI, MIT Kids,

I am an alien from Mars. I need some information so that I can go back to my planet. I heard that MIT kids are the smartest of the earth. Please help me Find out the following places and mark it on the map and write down its address.

1. Lane216, Sec.4 Chung Hsiao East Road.
2. National Dr. Sun Yat-sen Memorial Hall
3. Taipei City Hall
4. Grand Hyatt Taipei
5. TWTC Taipei World Trade Center
6. A Bank
7. A Small Park Around MIT
8. A KFC
9. A Book Store
10. An Elementary School

Good luck!!!

2005年8月8日 星期一

My Story Shop

Hello guy,

I am going to do some writing here and wish to share with all of you.
Don't be shy to link my blog to yours. I am very happy to be everyone's friend for sure.
Don't be too criticle to my writing either, I promise I will try my best to let you understand me more.

Love you.