2007年1月14日 星期日

Anger Therapy(3)---by Lisa Engeihardt & Karen katafiasz

If you feel as if you’re going to explode in anger, change your physical responses into harmless physical activity. Breathe deeply, run a mile, swing a tennis racket. Later, return to your anger and deal with it peacefully and productively.


Venting your anger in a controlled way to a sympathetic listener can bring temporary relief. But venting in itself won’t solve the underlying problems that are triggering your anger. Search for those problems and deal with them.


When you’re angry at others, tell them directly what disturbs you and why. Don’t shame, blame, attack, ridicule, lecture, interpret or analyze their behavior. Use “I” statements. Be specific in your requests.


When you’re expressing your anger to others, you don’t need to convince them that your position is right. Listen with empathy to their point of view. Allow them to feel angry too (without blaming yourself for their anger). And then together try to arrive at a creative solution that meets the needs of both of you.


Expressing anger may be difficult if you were taught to soothe over conflicts or to defer to others’ feelings. Recognize when these old lessons have you stuffing your anger. Pleasing others at your own expense is not kind or peaceful. It’s violence to your own psyche.


There will be times when expressing your anger will be extremely difficult and painful. The outcome may be uncertain; you may be risking great change in your relationship. But just as God gives you anger to protect yourself, God provides courage to take the action your anger demands. Your courage is within you; ask God to help you find it.

