2007年1月11日 星期四

Anger Therapy(1)---by Lisa Engeihardt & Karen katafiasz

Anger is God’s gift, part of the essence of your humanity, a response you need to survive and to thrive physically and emotionally. Use your anger to protect and preserve your true self.


Anger is a signal---that your rights have been violated, your needs aren’t being met, you’re compromising yourself in some way, and injustice has been done. Let anger be a catalyst to learn more about yourself and create change for the better.


You can turn the pain of anger into energy for change with five steps: Acknowledge your anger, identify its cause, determine what your can do, express your feelings judiciously, and, if necessary, take action.


You may have learned to avoid, deny, or repress your anger because disturbing emotions can accompany it; You feel “bad”, childish, insecure, powerless; you believe you’ll be disliked and rejected; you fear being out of control. Accept your anger as an emotional fact---and a tool your can use for personal transformation.


Anger that your lock inside can lodge in body cells and tissues, muscle tension, digestive disorders, high blood pressure, insomnia, and other physical problems. Be good to your body by acknowledging and dealing with your anger.


Anger can come in different disguises or be an unseen facet of other emotions, like depression, grief, irritability, anxiety, hatred, guilt, shame, withdrawal, or resentment. And sometimes those emotions can show up as anger. Take time to sift through your moods and feelings to discover and hidden anger.

