請回答下列問題: (A.極同意 B.同意 C.普通 D.不同意 E. 非常不同意 )
- 許多時候,我都會預期最好的狀況。 A.極同意 B.同意 C.普通 D.不同意 E. 非常不同意
- 對我來說,隨時放輕鬆很容易。 A.極同意 B.同意 C.普通 D.不同意 E. 非常不同意
- 如果我認為我會把事情搞砸,就真的會發生。 A.極同意 B.同意 C.普通 D.不同意 E. 非常不同意
- 對於我的未來,我總是相當樂觀。 A.極同意 B.同意 C.普通 D.不同意 E. 非常不同意
- 我很喜歡與朋友相處。 A.極同意 B.同意 C.普通 D.不同意 E. 非常不同意
- 保持工作忙碌,對我非常重要。A.極同意 B.同意 C.普通 D.不同意 E. 非常不同意
- 很少有事情是照著我期待的方向走。A.極同意 B.同意 C.普通 D.不同意 E. 非常不同意
- 我不太容易感到不安。A.極同意 B.同意 C.普通 D.不同意 E. 非常不同意
- 我幾乎不期待好事會發生在我頭上。A.極同意 B.同意 C.普通 D.不同意 E. 非常不同意
- 生活中,我感覺自己好事情總是比壞事情發生多。 A.極同意 B.同意 C.普通 D.不同意 E. 非常不同意
1)第1、4、10題 A=1分 B=2分 C=3分 D=4分 E=5分
2)第3、7、9題 A=5分 B=4分 C=3分 D=2分 E=1分
6分為極度樂觀, 7~18分為樂觀, 19~29分為悲觀, 30分為極度悲觀
如果你是極度樂觀與悲觀者: 需要立刻學習正面思考
如果你是樂觀者: 有好的正面思考基礎, 但還需不斷強化正面思考
如果你是悲觀者: 透過正面思考訓練, 避免陷入極度悲觀
(問卷設計:學者Scheier, Carver, & Bridge 整理:鄭呈皇)
LOT-R (Life Orientation Test-Revised)
The Life Orientation Test (LOT) was developed to assess individual differences in generalized optimism versus pessimism. This measure has been used in a good deal of research on the behavioral, affective, and health consequences of this personality variable. A somewhat dated review of that literature can be found in the following article:
Scheier, M. F., & Carver, C. S. (1992). Effects of optimism on psychological and physical well-being: Theoretical overview and empirical update. Cognitive Therapy and Research, 16, 201-228.
Although the LOT was widely used, it had some problems. Most important, its original items did not all focus as explicitly on expectations for the future as theory dictated. In part to remedy this deficiency, we developed a modest revision of the LOT, called LOT-R. It was published in the following article:
Scheier, M. F., Carver, C. S., & Bridges, M. W. (1994). Distinguishing optimism from neuroticism (and trait anxiety, self-mastery, and self-esteem): A re-evaluation of the Life Orientation Test. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 67, 1063-1078.
We (and other people have used the LOT-R in a good deal of research. More information on this work is contained in some of the articles on this list. A Spanish version of the LOT-R can be found here. A French version can be found here. A German version can be found here.
The LOT-R is a very brief measure that is easy to use. Its brevity makes it ideal for use in projects in which many measures are being used. Please note that this is a research instrument, not intended for clinical applications. There are no "cut-offs" for optimism or pessimism; we use it as a continuous dimension of variability.
Here is the LOT-R as it is used in our own work:
The Life Orientation Test (LOT) was developed to assess individual differences in generalized optimism versus pessimism. This measure has been used in a good deal of research on the behavioral, affective, and health consequences of this personality variable. A somewhat dated review of that literature can be found in the following article:
Scheier, M. F., & Carver, C. S. (1992). Effects of optimism on psychological and physical well-being: Theoretical overview and empirical update. Cognitive Therapy and Research, 16, 201-228.
Although the LOT was widely used, it had some problems. Most important, its original items did not all focus as explicitly on expectations for the future as theory dictated. In part to remedy this deficiency, we developed a modest revision of the LOT, called LOT-R. It was published in the following article:
Scheier, M. F., Carver, C. S., & Bridges, M. W. (1994). Distinguishing optimism from neuroticism (and trait anxiety, self-mastery, and self-esteem): A re-evaluation of the Life Orientation Test. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 67, 1063-1078.
We (and other people have used the LOT-R in a good deal of research. More information on this work is contained in some of the articles on this list. A Spanish version of the LOT-R can be found here. A French version can be found here. A German version can be found here.
The LOT-R is a very brief measure that is easy to use. Its brevity makes it ideal for use in projects in which many measures are being used. Please note that this is a research instrument, not intended for clinical applications. There are no "cut-offs" for optimism or pessimism; we use it as a continuous dimension of variability.
Here is the LOT-R as it is used in our own work:
Please be as honest and accurate as you can throughout. Try not to let your response to one statement influence your responses to other statements. There are no "correct" or "incorrect" answers. Answer according to your own feelings, rather than how you think "most people" would answer.
A = I agree a lot B = I agree a little C = I neither agree nor disagree D = I DISagree a little E = I DISagree a lot
1. In uncertain times, I usually expect the best.
[2. It's easy for me to relax.]
3. If something can go wrong for me, it will.
4. I'm always optimistic about my future.
[5. I enjoy my friends a lot.]
[6. It's important for me to keep busy.]
7. I hardly ever expect things to go my way.
[8. I don't get upset too easily.]
9. I rarely count on good things happening to me.
10. Overall, I expect more good things to happen to me than bad.
Items 2, 5, 6, and 8 are fillers. Responses to "scored" items are to be coded so that high values imply optimism. Researchers who are interested in testing the potential difference between affirmation of optimism and disaffirmation of pessimism should compute separate subtotals of the relevant items.
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