2006年8月7日 星期一

The Tragedy of Tragedy-The Story of Hugh


A Parable of "Spirituality and Counseling"
--Robert A. Ross

Once upon a time a Royal person was born. His name was Hugh. Although I’ll refer to Hugh as “he”, no one actually knew what his sex really was and it didn’t really matter. Hugh was unlike anyone who had ever lived before or who would ever live again. Hugh was precious, unrepeatable, incomparable, a trillion-dollar diamond in the rough.

For the first 15 months of life, Hugh only knew himself from the reflections he saw in the eyes of his caretakers. Hugh was terribly unfortunate. His caretakers, although not blind, had glasses over their eyes. Each set of glasses already had a image on it. So each caretaker only saw Hugh according to the image on his glasses. Thus, even though Hugh’s caretakers were physically present, not one of them ever actually saw him. By the time Hugh was grown, he was mosaic of other people’s images of him, none of which was who he really was.

No one had ever seen him, so no one had ever mirrored back to him what he really looked like. Consequently, Hugh thought he was the mosaic of images. He really did not know who he was.

Sometimes in the dark of the night when he was all alone, Hugh knew that something of profound importance was missing. He experienced this as a gnawing sense of emptiness- a deep void.

Hugh tried to fill the emptiness and void with many things: power, worldly fame, money, possessions, chemical highs, food, sex, excitement, entertainment, relationships, children, work-even exercise. But no matter what he did, he never felt the gnawing emptiness go away. In the quiet of the night when all the distractions were gone, he heard a still quiet voice that said:” Don’t forget, please don’t forget me!” But alas! Hugh did forget and went to his death never knowing who he was.

** “For grammatical consistency and clarity, the pronouns “he”, “his” and “him” have been used throughout instead of “she or he”, “his or her” and “ her and him”. No sexual bias or insensitivity is meant.


We read this story in Dr. Ross’s class. After we read it, Dr. Ross asked us two questions.

1. What was Hugh’s problem?
2. What could save him?

You are more than welcome to join the discussion. If you have any idea please don’t hesitate to share with me.


悲劇的悲劇 - 休的故事

“靈性與輔導的比喻” -羅伯特羅斯






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4 則留言:

Erwin L. 提到...

I've read through this article three times, and still couldn't get the point. Would you please interpret for me?

Megli 提到...


I think it is a parable that means Hugh might be you or me or anyone else in this world. We all lose something we don’t know but very important in our mind. If you haven’t found what it is, this story try to remind you to find out what it is. If you have already found it, maybe you can share with me how you did to find it.

Erwin L. 提到...

It sounds like a conundrum. Like a earthworm can never understand its own brain.

If the brain is simple enough be understood, this earthworm will be too stupid to understand how the brain works. If the earthworm is smart enough, then its own brain will be too complex for it to understand.

If you think you know who you are, you will stop digging further and you are only who you think; if you keep questioning what is inside you, you will never be satisfied with the answer and keep looking in the rest of your life. Either way won't lead you to the true answer.

But why is it so important? I think it is more important to live all the possibilities as possible and be responsible to yourself. Whatever the decisions you've made, stay with it, accept the consquences, and step forward. Then you will find that you are who you live, but not who you think.

Megli 提到...

"I think it is more important to live all the possibilities as possible and be responsible to yourself. Whatever the decisions you've made, stay with it, accept the consquences, and step forward. Then you will find that you are who you live, but not who you think."

BRAVO!!! Lukas,

This is a wonderful answer. I think you've got your own answer for your life! although somehow we don't quite understand it, we just do it!