2006年8月13日 星期日
<2006/8/25~27>預定到花蓮的「Caring For All」活動。
<2006/8/17~19>預定到彰化的「Caring For All」活動。
布魯斯威利,哇,好酷喔!關鍵密碼-Lucky Number SLEVIN,很好看的電影,不管是老帥哥-布魯斯威利 (Bruce Willis)、小帥哥-喬許哈奈特 (Josh Hartnett),或是劉玉玲 (Lucy Liu)、演技都很自然流暢!
2006年8月12日 星期六
Class Review of Spirituality and Counseling
“God created man in his own image. In the image of God he created him.” (Genesis 1:27)
In “Spirituality and Counseling” class, first, Dr. Ross taught us this story of Hugh, and then he asked us to discuss these two questions together. After we finished the discussion, he wanted each group to write down the answers, so he could check the answers one by one. He told us there is no any perfect answer. But every answer would be a great idea to enlighten Hugh’s life. Dr. Ross just encouraged everyone and let everyone to try their best to help Hugh.
Next, Dr. Ross taught us about the “Creation”. He showed us the famous picture in “Sistine Chapel” when God created the world, the connection between God’s finger and Adam’s. Dr. Ross wanted us to think, in our culture, who or what creates this world. But somehow everyone felt embarrassed. At that moment, no one wanted to answer the question. After a long silence, a guy told Dr. Ross that question was too sensitive to answer. I didn’t know why no one wanted to answer either.
So skipped this part the class kept going on. Then, the most inspiring thing to me at that class is about the Michael Angelo’s sculptor of “David”. Dr. Ross said: before Michael Angelo sculpted this rock, it was abandoned by another sculptor. That means this rock was not a completed stone. It might be broken in the shape somewhere. But Michael Angelo looked inside of the rock, and chiseled the rock, finally, let out the perfect image of “David”.
Meister Echhart said: “When master sculptors make figures out of wood or stone. They do not introduce the figure into the wood or stone. But chisel away the fragments that…concealed the figure. They give nothing to the wood or stone. Rather they take away from it. Letting fall beneath the chisel the outer layers.”
This is a very important lesson for me. I think the most important thing for a helper is just like the sculptor master. We need to look inside our clients’ nature as the master look inside the wood or stone. We cannot introduce the figure by ourselves. We just help the true child appear and let out the true child. If we can look inside to Hugh, and help him to release the true self just like the sculptor master did to the rock. Then maybe Hugh would know how precious, unrepeatable, incomparable he was, and was just like a trillion-dollar diamond in the rough. So he would not been gnawed by the sense of emptiness-a deep void, and dead never knowing who he was.
The second part is about “i” and “ Self”. Bob Briskey said “The closest psychology comes to spirituality is Jungian psychology.” Therefore, Dr. Ross taught us about “I” RECOVERY --Carl Jung. There is a famous sentence” I am not wise.” was said by Jung, when he was 70 years old.
Jung thought everyone has “i” which is just one’s thinking mind. It is located in the middle of our conscious which is just a small part of our psychi. For everyone, there is a “Self” is located in the center of our psychi. This “Self” is between conscious and unconscious which means we are more than our thinking mind.
Jung thought “he was not wise.” because he knew everything is connected to the “Self” which is “Imago Dei” means “Image of God”. We must help the “i” be aware of “Self” is both within our mind. By the way, ‘Self’ is a connection between our psychi and spirituality. “Self” knows more than our awareness. We should respect this part of God’s creation and pay attention on it even sometimes we don’t know every well.
Dr. Ross said: “i” is the boat. “Self” is the river. If we help people to trust the river will take the boat to come home. The home means to find your ‘Self”. We can know the “Self” by listen to the “quiet voice” in the dark night. The more we listen to our inner voice, more we practice to honor our feeling, player and trust and release our thoughts to help them to know “Self” and trust it. The more we would connect to the spirituality. So we will learn each of us is “Diamond in the rough”. Your life is more valuable and meaningful. You are unique in the world.
2006年8月10日 星期四
- 對女性主義價值立場和觀點的擁護
- 反對在假設、概念和研究問題的性別主義(性別偏見)
- 重視在研究者和研究對象間同理聯結的建立
- 敏銳地關注性別關係和權力如何滲透在社會中的各層面
- 重視把研究者私人感受和經驗融入研究歷程中
- 在選擇研究技術和銜接不同學術領域上具有彈性
- 確認人類經驗的情緒和互相依賴的層面
- 是行動取向的研究,企圖促進個人和社會改變
- 拒絕所有的意識型態和有組織的信念系統,包括所有的社會理論。
- 強烈地仰賴直觀、想像、個人經驗和情緒。
- 無意義感和悲觀主義,相信世界永遠不會改變。
- 極端的主體性,在其中心智和外在世界無從區分。
- 狂熱的相對主義,在其中存在著無數的詮釋,但無一特別優越。
- 擁護歧異、渾沌、與持續變化的複雜性。
- 拒絕研究過去或別處,因為只有此時此地是切身相關的。
- 認為因果是不可能研究的,因為生命太過複雜、瞬息萬變。
- 篤信研究永遠無法真實重現社會世界所發生的事。
2006年8月7日 星期一
The Tragedy of Tragedy-The Story of Hugh
--Robert A. Ross
Once upon a time a Royal person was born. His name was Hugh. Although I’ll refer to Hugh as “he”, no one actually knew what his sex really was and it didn’t really matter. Hugh was unlike anyone who had ever lived before or who would ever live again. Hugh was precious, unrepeatable, incomparable, a trillion-dollar diamond in the rough.
For the first 15 months of life, Hugh only knew himself from the reflections he saw in the eyes of his caretakers. Hugh was terribly unfortunate. His caretakers, although not blind, had glasses over their eyes. Each set of glasses already had a image on it. So each caretaker only saw Hugh according to the image on his glasses. Thus, even though Hugh’s caretakers were physically present, not one of them ever actually saw him. By the time Hugh was grown, he was mosaic of other people’s images of him, none of which was who he really was.
No one had ever seen him, so no one had ever mirrored back to him what he really looked like. Consequently, Hugh thought he was the mosaic of images. He really did not know who he was.
Sometimes in the dark of the night when he was all alone, Hugh knew that something of profound importance was missing. He experienced this as a gnawing sense of emptiness- a deep void.
Hugh tried to fill the emptiness and void with many things: power, worldly fame, money, possessions, chemical highs, food, sex, excitement, entertainment, relationships, children, work-even exercise. But no matter what he did, he never felt the gnawing emptiness go away. In the quiet of the night when all the distractions were gone, he heard a still quiet voice that said:” Don’t forget, please don’t forget me!” But alas! Hugh did forget and went to his death never knowing who he was.
** “For grammatical consistency and clarity, the pronouns “he”, “his” and “him” have been used throughout instead of “she or he”, “his or her” and “ her and him”. No sexual bias or insensitivity is meant.
1. What was Hugh’s problem?
2. What could save him?
You are more than welcome to join the discussion. If you have any idea please don’t hesitate to share with me.
“靈性與輔導的比喻” -羅伯特羅斯
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2006年8月1日 星期二
好~~ 冷~~ 喔~~!